Very few families who have loved ones with Down syndrome live in an area where they can visit a Down syndrome specialty program like the one at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We know that most hardworking primary care physicians have only one or two patients with Down syndrome in their practice, so it is both unreasonable and impractical to expect them to stay current on all of the healthcare recommendations for this unique population.
We supported the creation of the MGH Down Syndrome Program’s Down Syndrome Clinic to You (DSC2U) to bring the best of health and wellness information about Down syndrome to caregivers and primary care physicians around the globe. We believe that location and personal finances should never prevent someone from accessing the best and most timely medical information for a loved one with Down syndrome.
With DSC2U, caregivers complete an online intake form, where they can identify current health concerns about their child with Down syndrome. The responses will generate two personalized documents: a plan for caregivers and another one to bring to their next visit with the child’s primary care provider. Here’s how it works: